
Best mac brushes for contouring
Best mac brushes for contouring

best mac brushes for contouring
  1. #Best mac brushes for contouring how to#
  2. #Best mac brushes for contouring skin#
  3. #Best mac brushes for contouring full#

If you like the look of baking but don’t like using sponges, using this brush dampened with a little bit of Mac’s Fix+, then patting in your loose powder under the eye and underneath your contour will give you that perfect, flawless finish. They’re both excellent for blending out contour.Ĭream highlighting and creating more structure is best done with Mac’s 197S Brush. The pink brush is best for petite faces as it’s a smaller brush as a whole, if you have a fuller face, go for the brush with the gold coloured handle. Real Techniques has a couple of great brushes. Having said that, there are a few others that are also comparable. But when I’m contouring I like to use the Morphe G40 Brush, I’ll admit it’s probably my all time favourite contour brush.

#Best mac brushes for contouring full#

It really helps complete that full glam look, and if you’re all about it, you need the right tools! More often than not I take my brushes and dip them into the contour stick and then apply the product, as opposed to creating the lines on my face with the stick first. Contour and StructureĬontouring is a really terrific beauty trick that I use on all of my clients, and often on myself as well. So, in order of my favourite tools and ways to apply foundation, number one would be with the Beauty Blender, two would be fingertips and palms of the hand to blend and three are the Pro Mini Flawless Airbrush followed by the Large Domed Stippling Brush. It is more of a dome shape and is great if you prefer to stipple your foundation onto your skin. The other brush I love is a foundation brush for stippling from Sephora.

#Best mac brushes for contouring skin#

I use these brushes, I have two, on my clients often, and they really allow the foundation to blend into the skin in a way that gives it that awesome airbrushed look. It’s their Pro Mini Flawless Airbrush Brush. The VIP Rouge Brush from Sephora is another fabulous tool.

best mac brushes for contouring

Don’t use it dry though, it won’t work! Run the blender under water, soak it and ring it out and then start applying your foundation on your skin in a dabbing motion. The Beauty Blender is one of my absolute favourite tools to use. If, on the other hand, you have acne prone skin or acne scarring, I’d recommend using a trusty Beauty Blender. Why, you may ask? Your fingers are natural makeup warmers! The body heat in your fingertips allows for you to really blend your makeup on the back of your hand to prep for application in a way that brushes cannot. In my opinion, your fingers are the number one tool when it comes to preparing your foundation for application.

#Best mac brushes for contouring how to#

So I’ve compiled a list of a few of my favourites, which I consider to be some of the best makeup brushes on the market, and how to use them!įirst and foremost, when it comes to applying your foundation there are a couple of directions that you can go to get the best results. Let’s talk makeup brushes! I’ve had a number of lovely ladies reach out recently to ask about brushes, which are the best to use for your eyes, your face, for contouring and everything in between. Brittany Gray responds to your call with her list of the best makeup brushes and how to use them.

Best mac brushes for contouring